In order to reclaim our true masculine nature, we must go inward to reconnect with ourselves.

Here is where we rediscover our interconnectedness to all things. As our heart begins to open we find our truth; that we are the creator of our reality and we have the ability to change it instantly. We awaken from our slumber of self-obsession and begin to annihilate harmful patterns and beliefs.

From this new stable foundation, I guide my clients toward a life of purpose, growth and love.











Our own inherent nature is in concert with the universal nature of all things.

Because of the complex evolution of the mind, we’ve become consumed with our thoughts that have led to an obsession with the self. When we dull the body’s natural intelligence, our being becomes rewired and ultimately tangled.

This leads us adrift from our authentic selves and more importantly our purpose within nature’s carefully orchestrated ecosystem. This deviation from our true purpose causes us to make poor choices, leading us to a life that we think we should live, rather than a life that we must live. 

In order to live a gratifying life, we must recognize all the natural intelligence around us and our interconnectedness to it. Once we return to this awareness, we can correct the stifling caused by society’s often well intended, but misled conditioning.

The return to physical nature will help us return us to our meta-physical nature and provide a key catalyst to help move a man toward his true purpose. 




A man’s belief in a universal intelligence, energy source or God is not a choice, but a necessity.

We are hard wired to hunt for our creator.

Even those who denounce this are often left curious or without true fulfillment. Through the seeking and finding of his source, a man unlocks life’s greatest secret; that creative energy lives within us all. Once a man finds god, he awakens to his true self and unlocks a guiding light within that has the highest intentions for him. 

Once accomplished, a man becomes the author of his own existence capable of absolutely anything and driven by his need to fulfill a destiny embedded in him upon birth. The world benefits from his awakening to the truth as his purpose has a ripple effect across humanity. His self-obsession transforms into an obsession with his calling.

When we go inward to find God we heal old wounds
and open new vessels for creative expression and unapologetic love. 




A man is often indoctrinated into manhood without proper guidance or realistic expectations. We are taught that emotions are weak and financial success equals happiness. We succumb to the physical world and all its promises.

The obsessive pursuit of money, status and women’s acceptance usually lead a man to exhaustion, addiction or emptiness. 

As men, we need to redefine what is means to be a man. When we reconnect with our source and our nature we reconnect with our true core. Our hearts open and our soul speaks to us in ways well beyond the material world.

By re-connecting with ourselves, we begin to design a life filled with purpose, fulfillment and ultimately happiness.