My purpose is to help you identify any internal and external obstacles related to fear, anxiety, doubt or ego patterns that may inhibit your personal development.

In our sessions, we will go on a safe journey to untangle anything that no longer serves you.

Often, the conditioning embedded within us during childhood were well intended. However, any misunderstanding of love and guidance bestowed upon us can backfire in adulthood.

This boyhood conditioning often shapes our perceptions of the world and create blind spots in present behaviors. 

These perceptions dictate our current behavior and can lead to stagnation. In our sessions, we will determine if this learned behavior is supporting your growth as a man. By fulfilling the inner correction toward awareness and truth, we can focus on the outward correction toward purpose. Below is the journey we will embark on to move toward inner and outer alignment. 

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1. Reversion

“How have my patterns/ results served me in my growth and attainment of goals?”

Often men identify themselves with their negative perceptions of the world around them. These perceptions, often a result of personal circumstances, dictate their actions. These actions ultimately sabotage their success. We will observe these patterns and ascertain if they are restricting growth.

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2. Personal Responsibility

“Who is responsible for the quality of my life?”

As men, we must take personal responsibility for our results. With this realization, we discover our own creative power and can now re-direct our efforts without believing any illusionary thoughts that keep us stuck in the same unwanted patterns.

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3. Recalibrate

“What do I need to do differently?”

As men begin to gain clarity and connect with their hearts, they awaken new passions, creativity, and energy that create a platform of progress and growth. From this platform, they can re-route on a path toward higher levels of satisfaction.

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4. Re-Design

“What does a life of high satisfaction look like?”

We will explore the current level of life satisfaction. Here, my clients will reflect on their present life and determine how their lives can be more fulfilling. We work to uncover the root of the dissatisfaction and reset the learned behavior. We begin moving to a place of inward truth, free of conditioning, ego and fear or circumstances.

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5. Goal Planning

“What specifically do I want in the forms of career, relationships and/or health?”

As men begin to get clear on their new inward path, we begin to devise a tangible plan for outward progress and goal attainment. This plan is not based on social norms, other’s expectations or to fulfill the ego’s false desires. Instead, it is based off of authentic goals that support a greater purpose and personal fulfillment.

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6. Action and Progress

“How do I make this happen?”

Men tend to feel most fulfilled when setting and subsequently achieving personal goals. We will develop tangible action plans that will promote progress and goal achievement.

My purpose is to ensure momentum is sustained through commitment and accountability so that any resilient doubt, fear or anxiety is annihilated.

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7. Attainment

“What’s next?”

Once my clients have settled into a healthy, repeatable routine and reached their goals, the collaboration has been accomplished and we can celebrate the journey.



What’s the next step?





The goal of our initial consult is to see if we are a good fit, take you through the coaching process and answer any questions that you have.  The initial consult fee is $75.00. Consults generally take 50-60 minutes.  


After our initial consult, you will receive a follow up email recapping the session along with package options, a Client Agreement highlighting what coaching is/isn't, and a Coaching Questionnaire.


If you decide to move forward, we will discuss dates/times for our first session so you can determine what's best for your schedule. Sessions can be held over the phone, in Astoria or in Manhattan- your choice.


  • Coaching sessions are 60-90 minutes and are usually spaced 1-2 weeks apart. Each session is followed by a detailed recap along with practical action steps to implement to help you move forward.

  • I offer several coaching packages. While I recommend at least two months to experience results, my hope is to work with you as long as it you feel it is benefiting you. My ultimate goal in our work is for you to feel a greater sense of clarity, accomplishment, and peace of mind.