
Robert and I first started working together in December of 2016. I knew that I wanted more out of my life, but didn’t know exactly what that looked like, or where to start. RJ began by asking me to fill out a coaching questionnaire and get extremely honest with myself to help create a baseline for where I was in my life and what my goals would be. I knew that I needed to breakdown the various areas of my life so that I could not only evaluate my progress, but also gain clarity and focus on my goals. What came next were what I chose to call the four main pillars of my life, and they are (in no particular order because as you’ll see, they are constantly evolving and changing in priority): Health, Spirituality/religion, Relationship, and Career. Throughout the coaching process consisting of both in-person and phone sessions, I learned about my limiting beliefs and discovered the power in stepping up and being present. I learned to get out of my head and stop overthinking things and just doing them. Some tangible results that I achieved from working with RJ are I lost over 40lbs, started going to church again (at least twice/month) and I earned a job making 30% more than I’ve ever made in my career. I learned that everything starts with a belief; I annihilated my limiting beliefs, changed my language, set a new standard for myself and gained clarity on the blueprint for a life filled with happiness, success, gratitude and giving back.
— Todd G. (37)
Coach RJ is an incredibly gifted Coach with a combination of creativity, remarkable mentorship abilities, inspiration, and a high level of emotional intelligence. What sets RJ miles apart from the majority of his counterparts is his unrelenting and spiritual approach to coaching and a consistent source of motivation during positive and difficult times. He really knows how to get to the root of what people are thinking and what might be standing in their way. He has a very warm and open demeanor that puts people at ease and gets them into a vulnerable space where they can really learn and grow. One of RJ’s top strengths is his ability to build a trust-based relationship and his willingness to listen and provide the space for growth and transformation. It is a privilege to collaborate, learn, and be coached by RJ. I’m looking forward to seeing his journey continue in helping others to transform their lives
— Edwin A. (31)
I’ve worked with a few other coaches and after our first call I knew Robert would be a good fit and that his coaching style would really resonate with me. He helped me navigate through a break-up and breakdowns to experiencing fulfilling breakthroughs in many areas of my life. Through his guided approach and the tools he helped me develop, I was able to slow things down; succeed in a new job where I struggled; improve the quality of my relationships; and best of all take better care of myself as I ran my first half marathon and competed in a public speaking contest. I’m forever grateful. He’s the guy you want in YOUR corner!
— Noel C. (42) 
I had a truly eye opening experience working with Robert to gain some clarity on the next chapter of my life and career. Having lived abroad for nearly a decade and running my own business for years, repatriating to the US to live and work presented several challenges for my family and I. Robert helped me ask the hard questions that I needed to ask of myself, and find the deeper truths that uncovered my real needs and motives. Being a father has really shaped and molded my outlook and through our conversations i found a way to apply my new found ambitions, and even vulnerabilities to my career plan in ways I hadn’t previously realized were possible. I’ve never been more clear on what I wanted and it’s been a tremendous relief to have this laser focus as i now move through the recruitment process. Thanks Robert, I’ll always be indebted.
— Annile A. (43)

“I want to start off by saying that, whatever it is you’re going through...it’s temporary. Robert helped me discover that even though I knew about healthy habits before our first session, I still couldn’t do it alone. Robert guided me through this. He helped me regain perspective and focus on my purpose, which is acting and directing. Robert ain’t no gimmick. He’ll tell you how it is and remind you that it doesn’t just take one day. The best part though is the espresso shot with dark chocolate on the side he has ready for you.”

— Christopher (25)