

There is something poignant about hearing your child repeat your own ignorance.

An echoing reminder that there is still time for them and perhaps your own deliverance.

Because there is love and there is hate and your children are yet to understand the difference.

So, pay attention to your indifference, and your innocent offspring’ growing belligerence

We either make the world a better place or we take up unnecessary space, like an empty briefcase.

That you call a treasure, but those illuminated cant see, and don’t even want to look for the key, to see…

What’s inside.

Cause there are better places to be. To use our voice to speak of love, and teach our youth that God is love

And that there are those that need to be reminded, that there is no one below you but definitely someone above. 

And that coming of age means learning to see the forest from the trees, but never be too proud to fall to your knees

And remember that love shines in the darkest nights and your response to ignorance will make you ignite.

To the lightness of God within you, that lives inside.

So what’s inside?

Which wolf are you feeding, which children are we breeding. Whose voice are we hearing?

Is it that of God or the echoes of our own unrefined mind, because the mark of a man is not the words he says, but those he leaves behind.

So, what’s inside?

So one day, I hope I’ll be more than my father’s son; who speaks of truths using my mouth like a shotgun.

For all those who can’t do it for themselves; or bite their tongues, or are exhausted from all of the pleading.

Let’s start with our children, Let’s plant seeds of love, let’s show them the light, let’s stop the bleeding.

So let’s choose our words and emotions wisely, and be careful what we choose to say

Because in the heavens, when we hear that beautiful echo, maybe, just maybe. Bellowing chimes will play.

So, what’s inside?

Antonio Sponzilli