
I want to show you my darkside. The side I am even afraid to face for it’s so shameful and perverse.

The side that my Iphone knows well; abused so badly it hangs on me like a cheap purse.

I want to show you that side, because it’s there and if it’s not loved, it will run like a scared child.

I won’t know why, but I will run out of shame perhaps or maybe because I was born wild.

And I need a woman from the wilderness, who’s demons are just as depraved as mine.

Because I want these dark angels to run on your body, because I chose you and our love is divine.

Divine, but dark. Dark like a cave on a uninhabitated planet.  Dark, like that place in our soul that needs love just the same.

As that bright side that cooks breakfast and sings love songs, come love my perversion, come love my shame.

This is where souls align. This is where “if we make it” will be defined.

This is where we light a fire in the caves of our souls, this is where our dark halves become whole.

Because, If I may be so bold, we are all a bit delusional, self obsessed and madly maladjusted.

We hide behind the shadows of our shadows, afraid that if we come into the sun, we’ll be spontaneously combusted.

Our inner child disgusted….by what we’ve become. But, let’s not hide our Mr. Hyde,

See, she’s tickled by the rub of love, but curious by ropes on wrists and unshaven men with mysterious fists.

And He. He’s drawn to fluorescent lights in dark alleys, like a moth to a flame. But tickled by the rub of love, because it’s all just the same.

So let’s re-introduce ourselves, naked from pleasantries and conditioned refrains. It’s time to overcome this shame. 

Because love ain’t a child’s game, it’s messy, deviant, debauched. A delicate, strange fruit plucked from a tree of temptation

The calamity of separation between woman and man cannot be understated, so go home and make love to each other’s ghosts, free of humiliation.

Antonio Sponzilli