Under the Lights

Under the Lights they looked majestic, like Titans In love

Under the lights it was a magnificent, I watched from above


At one point I both saw them close their eyes and he whispered in her ear

From the look of her smile, I’m certain he said he’d always be near

And that she’ll never be alone, because that would mean he was not there

And that for a man like himself that was far too much to bare


Under the Lights they looked majestic, like Titans In Love

Under the Lights it was magnificent, I watched from above


The world at that moment didn’t stop for the rest of us, but for them it ceased

They taught me in that moment, that there is no anguish in true love, only peace

They both had same stresses NY can so generously provide

But they stood bonded together, withstanding its insistent riptide 


Under the Lights they looked majestic, like Titans In Love

Under the Lights it was magnificent, I watched from above


I envisioned them as an old couple, how they wished they could relive that one night

But there was no need; for they built their whole life together Under the Lights

Antonio Sponzilli